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Prof. T I Eldho | Climate Change Impacts studies on River basin scale hydrology
Prof. T I Eldho | Hydrologic Modelling & Climate Change Impact Assessment
Climate change impact on hydrology and hydro-climatic extremes: Evidences from modelling studies
Athabasca River Basin High-Res Modelling of the Impact of Climate Change
Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Components in River Basin Malaysia (Group 3)
How Climate Change is Affecting the Hydrology of the River
CIVINAR - A Talk Session on "Hydrological Modeling & Climate Change Impact" by Prof. B. K. Pandey
Week 5 - Renee Brooks: Assessing climate impacts on river water sources...
SDG13 GSDS2021: Effects of climate change on hydrology, water resources, and soil by Dr Ravindra V K
Webinar: Climate Change, Hydrology and Water Resources in East Africa
Seminar on Global Impact of Climate Change
Impacts of climate change on streamflow in heterogeneous river basins: Analysis case in Afghanistan